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This glosarry provides notes or words or phrases that often cause problems for writers.

A, An
A=> use a before words, beginning with consonant sounds, including those spelled with an initial pronounched h and those spelled with vowels that are sounded as consonants.
eq: a historian, a one-o’clock class, a university

An=> use an before words that begin with vowel sounds, including those spelled with an initial silent h. Eq: an orgy, an honor.

Advice, Advise
Advice=> is a Noun
Advice => is a verb
Eq: Take my advice do as I advise you.

Affect, Effect
Affect => is a Verb, meaning “to influence”
Effect => is a Noun, meaning “result”
Eq: The drug did not affect his driving; in fact it seemed to have no effect at all.
But effect occasionally is used as a verb meaning “to bring about” ; her efforts effected a change. And affect is used in psychology as a noun meaning “feeling or emotion” ; one can infer much about affect from behavior.

Agree to, agree with
Agree to means “consent to”
Agree with means “be in accord with”
Eq: how can they agree to a treaty when they don’t agree with each other about the terms?

All, All of
Usually all is sufficient to modify a noun; all the things you are. Before a pronoun or proper noun, all of is usually appropriate; all of me, in all of France.

All ready, already
All ready means “completely prepared”
Already means “by now” or “before now”
Eq: we were all ready to go to the movie, but it had already started.

All together, altogether
All together means “in unison” or “gathered in one place”
Altogether means “entirely”.
Eq: It’s not altogether true that our family never spends vacations all together.

Any more, anymore
Any more means “no more”
Anymore means “now”
Both are used in negative constructions
Eq: he doesn’t want any more. She doesn’t live here anymore.

Beside, Besides
Beside is preposition meaning :next to”.
Besides is a preposition meaning “except” or “in addition to” as well as an adverb meaning “in addition”.
Eq: Besides, several other people besides you want to sit beside Dr. Chen.

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